Algebra II

Wednesdays, 11am -noon (CST)

Flipped Classroom

Students work on Aleks topics before coming to class. Instructor videos and completed examples are provided for every topic.

Full year class

Students attend once-a-week for 16 weeks in both the Fall and Spring semesters.

Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or Similar Course

Aleks(R) Curriculum

Each “Slice” of the Aleks “Pie” is spread across 32 Modules (one for each week of class).  Each Module is sub-divided into 15 topics.  

A student typically spends 15 minutes on each topic,  To “master” a topic, the student must get 3 questions correct, and pass the Knowledge Check.

Answers are entered directly into Aleks.  Students take notes on topics they need the most help with.

Students pick which topics to work on first.  Work is self-paces, with guided milestones and class deadlines.

Topics Covered

Building on the foundations of Algebra 1, this class extends understanding of algebraic concepts and techniques, to prepare students for Pre-Calculus.

  • Functions
    • Linear
    • Quadratic
    • Polynomial
    • Radical
    • Rational
    • Exponential
  • Matrices
  • Systems
  • Sequences and Series
  • Conical Sections
  • Trigonometry

To complete the pie, students will need to work 3 to 4 hours per week in Aleks.

>>"Paper-based" Algebra 2 coming Fall 2026<<